Global Warming/Climate Change; living in denial

Graph demonstrating the increase in atmospheric carbon due to human activity
This graph, based on the comparison of atmospheric samples contained in ice cores and more recent direct measurements, provides evidence that atmospheric CO2 has increased since the Industrial Revolution. (Credit: Vostok ice core data/J.R. Petit et al.; NOAA Mauna Loa CO2 record.) From the NASA website.

I see that the last prophecy of Jesus is being criticised and challenged. It has been said that there is no sign of Global Warming and Climate Change yet. Are these people blind, or can't they see anything? Perhaps they don't want to see anything that upsets their sense of security. Perhaps such criticism is just a ruse to gain attention, like an immature child? Perhaps they are afraid of their beliefs letting them down in the end? Maybe they have had their applications to join us refused? Perhaps they have been expelled from The Way, and are trying to prove some kicking back obscure point? It's probably easier than changing their ways.

I don't know why anyone should behave in such a manner, as there is no point to it. Reason is obviously not involved. If anyone doesn't like us or The Way, or even the last prophecy of Jesus the Christ, why not just ignore us and go their way? No one is forced to read what I write, or what has been written by others over the centuries. We don't expect everyone to like us. Just “having a go” in an attempt to upset and offend us, proves nothing either way, apart perhaps from an apparently large degree of inadequacy on their behalf. Pathetic attempts at being a nuisance proves more than such people realise about themselves, and not us.

Regarding Global Warming and Climate Change, ask any farmer and they will all say that it's now very obvious that warming is having an increasing negative effect on crops. This will cause food shortages, and so the prophecy unfolds. You can see its effects in the extreme weather all over the world. Put this together with all the prophesied wars, and get ready for real trouble; troubles that will affect us all. It's happening slowly I grant you, but slowly or not, it's happening.

Starvation already exists in many countries, and the body numbers are piling up. The Unholy Trinity of banker, priest and politician will tell you what they want you to believe, as their attitudes and designs are purely monetary and control based. During this time of dragging on, whatever chance the human race has to avoid complete extinction, can be used to tackle the problems that will arise and be ready for them. To be prepared will give a chance; not just for us the ageing ones, but our future generations. But then who cares, when they can't yet feel the wind blowing about their houses? Such is blind complacency.

“There shall be mighty winds and disease, as you open the Sixth Seal. And few will listen, saying,”’All is well. The wind has blown not about my house'.

Denying the coming problems and mindlessly giving encouragement to others to do so, will not make it go away. Denial of signs is a poor approach and a stupid thing to do. Some take this approach because they hate me and The Way, and just want to try to destroy for their egos’ sake, using anonymity, and false identities being the preferred method. They know not what they do, and care less, as long as their emotions and overinflated egos are satisfied. Such is the way of the Beast; and they know, but unsuccessfully try to hide it.

The Way is strange to the believer's mind, and that's to be expected. They believe whatever suits them, to imagine something is not happening in spite of the evidence all about them. “God won't let it happen.” They believe in the power of their god or gods that only exist in their imaginations, and rely on the non-existent to put it all right. They look to these imagined gods to save them. Nothing will save mankind, outside of the realms of reason.

Keep looking, and think about it. We trust that you are not all fools, so trust in nothing that isn't real. Global warming and climate changes are real. Jesus might have been out by a few years, but two thousand years is a long time, so what's another year or two? A nit-picker’s avoidance of reality, maybe? It's happening slowly, day by day, make no mistake. You can't avoid it. All we want people to do is look, listen and think with reason and knowledge, based on more than belief.

Bob Crosbie

Injustice: a battle we must win at any cost

A hand gripping a wire fence

As so many powerless people suffer such harm by the bully boys in our various societies, all followers of The Way have a duty to protect them wherever possible. This is an important part of our purpose; that most important purpose of justice and freedom from legal and political abuse for all men, as well as all other abuses and injustices found everywhere today. New members at whatever degree they may be, or may become, should know, understand, and accept this; and observe it as a solemn oath. A matter of honour. They should be willing to practice this noble purpose, at all and any cost to themselves.

While injustice lives, there can obviously be no justice. At this time, there is little to no real sense of what is right; and so many care little for what is wrong, especially our politicians, church leaders and bankers. They see only what profits them and have no care for the suffering masses. They are bully boys. Wolves in sheep's clothing. It's up to all followers to engage themselves in this fight, and it will be a long and desperate struggle in order to put right what is wrong.

People are trained to believe instead of know.

You can see wrongs and injustice everywhere. You can see it in courts of what is called law. It can be easily seen in religion, and especially in banking and politics. People are fooled into all sorts of debts by bankers. Just look at the PPI fraudulent insurance scandal. If anybody else committed such a huge crime, or even one a great deal smaller, they would be jailed. We are trained, like dogs, to accept things like debts and obligations to an imagined god, believing that the priests of all religion will save our imagined souls after we are dead, and all sorts of insane and only imagined impossibilities. People are trained to believe instead of know. To ignore what is reasonable and factual. They think that believing, and holding to blind faith over reason and actual truth, will buy them a seat in paradise after death. It is insane, but it is also evil.

Look at your lives, and try to see how you could improve and make a difference to yourself and to others by, or with just a little effort. See what is going on around you with drug companies, health services, property taxes, and so many more things. Think, and decide whether you can help. Of course you can. All it takes is the will to do so. Join either The Way or The International Golden Movement, and do it today. There are no fees; it costs you nothing to join. Who knows, it may give you some point to your life. It will certainly give you an important purpose, and at least an interest in your own well-being.

What fools we are

What do you know?


Do you ever sit quietly and think whether you are a fool, or just a fool that hopes that that you're wise, or perhaps both? Then can you be both? How can you be wise in some things and stupid in others, but it happens. So you, like me, are a wise fool. You get things right and then the next thing wrong. Confused? I am; maybe that's why I so often wonder about myself and hold such strong doubts regarding my average score.

Do you ever long for yesteryear? Dream of how life could be, not seeing what you are or have at the moment? Blind faith in your future when you day dream of how it could have been and perhaps should have been? Why must faith be blind and if it's blind, what does that mean? Floundering in the dark perhaps? Spending your time in wishful ignorance? What is wishful ignorance anyway? Ignorance is choosing to ignore. Wishing is just that; and gets you nowhere, because when you come out of your dream world, little or nothing has changed, or so it seems. But you have grown older, even by a little bit, and opportunities may well have passed you by. How do you know what it would have been like if you had done this or not done that? How can you really know? You can believe it would have made things different, but then that's belief isn't it.

Opinions are based on what you know, but do you in fact know anything? You know what you have been taught, but what about all the things you have not been taught? Do you think that the things you haven’t been taught, cast a shadow on what you know and have been taught? Do you actually know, or do you just go on blind faith that you have it right? Perhaps you believe that you have been taught all that there is to know, but no matter how old you are you still haven't lived long enough and never will know all that you can know. Why don’t working hours make room for learning? Why do you think in this day and age that your hours are so long, when we have such wonderful machines that can do so much?

Maybe it's designed that way, so that you don't have time to think; and when you do there's football, or some other nonsense like getting drunk. Getting drunk alleviates the inner frustrations, as maybe to look too close is scary, if you can even look at all. Then that's where blind belief comes in.

Wisdom comes with age or so they tell us, but I'm old and can still be foolish, even though I learn about everything I come across. I'm still limited in spite of my years. So how about you? Are you a know it all, or a rejecter of knowledge as being of no value to you, and so making yourself deliberately into an ignoramus? Not a nice name for you is it, but does it fit? Why not stretch yourself a bit? You never know till you try it, and who knows, you might like it. You might learn something, though it may not be of use to you today, there's still tomorrow.

Are you religious? If so, you will look for things to believe in, just as you have been trained to do. So what do you believe in; and does it make sense? What do you really know about such things for a fact? Do you believe in a god who takes care of you and grants favours? Do you perhaps believe in a paradise after you’re dead? Do you have faith that your team will win the cup, maybe even the saucer? What makes you believe in such things? What makes you follow blind faith? What do you know for sure and what do you only believe? What's real and what isn't? What have you learned, and what do you ignore, or have ignored? Think about it.

Bob crosbie. ©

Training, or education?

Bored child sitting in school classroom
Are we educated, or trained?



In our brain-addled world, doctors, like all workers, are trained. That's why there are so many bad ones. Everyone is trained; even those who go to privileged schools are trained. Teachers are trained to train others, so that the other trained ones, meaning you, become subservient and unquestioning beasts of burden. Mindless subservient slaves of the state, the churches and the bankers, each unknowing beast, the mirror of the other, and never considering what they do, or why they do it.

You are allowed to make a living and you get rewarded or paid according to your level of training, and your obedience to the ringmasters who run the circus known as ‘our society’.

It happens in all our various countries. You are led to believe that you live in a free society, regardless of the chains forged carefully to restrict you. You are trained to ‘believe' in all sorts of things. You are particularly trained to believe in all those things that defy all reason, and are beyond belief. You are trained to believe that you will get your reward in the afterlife to keep you quiet and hopeful. If you obey, you will be OK after you are dead. If not, you’re in for it. The horned one awaits, but logically you’re dead, so what then? In this manner of training in belief beyond reason, your ability to reason is overridden, as is your ability to use even simple logic. You may well protest, which just shows how far your mind has been trained to accept all sorts of nonsense as factual, when such only believe things cannot possibly be. But if you are a good boy or girl and toe the accepted line, you might get a pat on the head. You maybe even get your tummy tickled. Who knows what rewards and recognition await the obedient.


Remember that you are a thinking, reasoning human being, or at least you should be.

Never allow yourself to be trained. Remember that you are a thinking, reasoning human being, or at least you should be. To be trained. is to allow yourself to be reduced to the level of a dumb animal. Dogs, horses and other animals are trained, you should only allow yourself to be educated. There is a difference. The difference is in the attitude towards you, as shown by those who wish to train you, and so bend you to their will. You are trained to act without any logical thought or reason. It shows the esteem that your supposed superiors actually hold you in. To them, you’re just a dumb stupid animal, to be used to perform a mindless purpose automatically, like a soldier going over the top, though he hasn’t a chance of survival. Yet, over he goes. Still, they might give him a medal. Posthumously, of course. They might even put a flag that he was supposed to have died for, over his coffin, if he gets a coffin. Not much of a rag, sorry, flag, either.

To allow them to train you, means that you really are held or possessed by them. Like a dog giving a paw, you end up operating tricks and go through the actions, not knowing or understanding why. If you kick over the chains that hold you, even though they are only psychological chains, punishments will ensue and you become a bad person. Shame on you. You are trained to focus on the rewards you hope to get, or fear of the punishment, should you not perform. Onwardly you go, with absolute and blind faith that they will be pleased and give you a bone. Maybe. Beware you of the ring masters, and refuse to jump through their hoops. Clean up your mind and never remove yourself or allow yourself to be removed from reason based on actual knowledge, on solid fact. Believe nothing. Not even what I am saying. Think about it, and allow yourself reason in the light of the evidence of your eyes and your position in the world. Just think about it. The evidence is there. I may be hidden, but it’s there; and as you learn, the picture will clear.


Bob crosbie © 11/ 7/ 15

Death by the Drug of Money: Greece, Europe, America and You




Greece has become the first industrialized nation to default on its IMF payments, and the first since Zimbabwe in 2001. Here is the essential information you need to know about fear currency, infinite debt, bank thefts and the dangers of a delusional population. A podcast on the insanity of world banking and debt, by Freedomainradio