Reasoned Light

Retire, and read the Hallowed Book,

The one from whence all books were writ.

Heed you not its later altered states,

That turned its wisdom into shit.

There truths abound, laid out by men so wise,

And do not prize them less because inspired in time long past,

Their truth defiled by soulless men, reducing all they touch to lies.

They show contempt of just commands, to make their exaltation last.

So well inspired those ancient, pregnant pages stood ,

The wonders and the treasures of the Ancient Wise.

If learned and understood by modern man,

Mayest make him ponder, bringing wisdom’s light,

To long blind inner eyes.

Each of us should swear a solemn oath, and never set aside,

To heed the ancient Nazarene, regardless of his recent plight.

That reasoned judgments shall we seek and close abide,

In my esteemed the purest gold,

The clearest, reasoned honour’s light.

R.G. Crosbie


The Ruin of Blind Belief


The ruin of blind belief is soon at hand.

Live you no longer in her shadow.

She is gathered together by most evil kings,

Who follow her, shall rot with her, both bone and marrow.

Deep into the dark abyss of false belief,

Where injustice lies, unfathomable greed and pain abide,

Where unjust law bears down with no relief,

Deep, where man’s shame may safely hide.

The wickedness of our societies, with lust for power is led.

The drive for wealth, unbridled power the favoured throne,

From such fouled stable shall mankind ere seek a better bed,

Soon the ego and stupidity of kings shall ensure its own.

Lead on you donkeys; bray, for your just reward is close to hand,

Your putrid secret ways to bend men's minds shall soon be known.

Closer than you think, you stand condemned by your own evil hand,

May even all of man be lost midst the horrors of your own atomic cone.

Sweet reason must abide where ere the sun shall show her light,

Her daily altered course runs ignorant of man’s self-catered plight.

Justice must stretch upon each land from shore to shore,

With only truth and justice to be the common rules for ever more.

Till the sun shall neither rise, to set, to shine upon all mankind,

Presumptuous man! …sweet reason should you seek and find.

You that are so well formed, yet so weak,

With fear pounding in every chest,

First, if you can harder reason, guess;

Well formed, no weaker, blinder and no less.

Copyright R.G. Crosbie


In Vain we Seek

In vain we seek a heaven above the skies,

So follow priests whose words we know are lies.

This world has false, though flattering charms,

That shan’t be found in any priest-like arms.

Life's distant joys show big in our esteem,

Man values nothing like his own, his heartfelt dream.

Dreams that lessen as they draw closer to the eye,

In man’s embrace, his favored dream must surely die,

And when we grasp, we lose the pleasing dream,

Returning sadly to a silent, inner scream,

When will mankind ere understand,

Real change lies there, within his hand?


