Way thought for the day – 28.6.2011 – What Man?

What man who wishes to embark on a venture does not firstly sit down and calculate his means, so that he is assured of finishing it?

Would someone who cannot read sit down to write a book? Such foolish ones exist, and it may be observed that the more stupid a man is, the more he is likely to believe himself to be of the highest intelligence. He labours under the illusion that what he knows is all there is to know, and is therefore blinded by his own baseless arrogance, and limited by his ego and narrow horizons.

I ask all you who follow The Way – know yourselves in honesty, and follow a purpose within your means, whatever your means may be. Knowledge is your greatest asset; lack of reason your biggest weakness.

No man or woman is without value, unless they reach beyond the length of their arms, grasping nothing, and so remaining in their poverty. Better that a lowly person remains in his easy station, than try to emulate the skills and abilities of those he admires. To try to be someone that he is not, is impossible. To endeavour such way, he makes himself into a fool, giving his stupidity much advertisement by his failures.


© 2011 – The Order of The Way

Climate change Climate change hots up in 2010, the year of extreme weather

Under the weather … a pier on the drought-hit Lac de Joux in Le Pont, Switzerland.

Photograph: Dominic Favre/EPA

The year 2010 may have been the most extreme in terms of weather since the explosion of Indonesia’s Mount Tambora in 1816, when much of the world experienced reduced daylight and no summer, says one of the world’s most prominent meteorologists.

A combination of abnormal climatic phenomena resulted in the year being the hottest, wettest, and in many cases also the driest and coldest in recorded history, says Jeff Masters, co-founder of climate tracking website Weather Underground.

According to Masters 2011 is already on track to be exceptional, with a deepening drought in Texas ,“ where 65% of the state is now in “exceptional drought” conditions ,“ and one of the warmest springs experienced in 100 years taking place across much of Europe. It is also the most extreme tornado year recorded in the US, with Arctic sea ice already at its lowest ever for the time of year.

Read full article here

Way thought for the day – 26.6.2011 (Because nothing was…)



Because nothing was questioned, nothing was said.

Because no book was opened, nothing got read.

Because no one would read what was in front of their eyes,

When truth came before them, they were full of surprise.


Though close you your mind to all that is real.

And instead believe in all that you feel,

No saviour will save you, as you pray to gods.

No chances will save you,

When fighting the odds.


© 2011 R. G Crosbie


Way thought for the day 25.6.2011



Until man’s passions are cooled by the cold winds of logical thought and his thirst for power is slaked by the clear water of reason, he will keep going forward blindly, to his own destruction. He will remain oblivious to his actual state, and shall not listen until death breathes impatiently upon his unprotected, thick-skinned neck.


© R. G. Crosbie


Summer Solstice 2011 – and the theme of the Golden Dawn



It was said by the Brotherhood of Nazarenes, that if man followed reason, truth, knowledge and logic, which is The Way, then there would be a new dawn for man. This dawn would herald a new age, where blind belief in the unbelieveable would vanish like the mists before the sunrise. This new beginning was and is known as the Golden Dawn, a dawn “…where man would be come more than a shadow of his name, when he would walk truly upright, with seeing, thinking mind and generous heart. The dawn shall be golden, and all its evenings shall be soft twilight, laden with guiding stars”.


© The Order of The Way


Way thought for the day 19.6.2011


No man or woman is without value, unless they reach beyond the length of their arms, grasping nothing, and so remaining in their poverty. Better that a lowly person remains in his easy station, than try to emulate the skills and abilities of those he admires. To try to be someone that he is not, is impossible. To endeavour such way, he makes himself into a fool, giving his stupidity much advertisement by his failures.


© R.G. Crosbie


Way thought for the day – 17.6.2011

The Masters and the true follower seek to have a store of things, especially of knowledge, for they know the more of these they have, the more they have to give; the greater therefore is their abundance. Also the greater is their chance of attaining old age.

Way thought for the day – 16.6.2011


Those who have knowledge of the natural way do not train themselves in cunning, whilst those who use cunning to rule their lives and the lives of others are not knowledgeable, and have no understanding of the wisdom of The Way, nor of natural happiness.

Weep no More





I weep no more for sorrowed, foolish man,

Cease I to wander where the ghosts of mortals haunt,

To view clear springs or shady grove, or sun lit hill,

Where giant lofty crags create great fear, yet cannot daunt.

Smitten with the love of rhymed poetic song,

To wander lonely lanes in dawn’s pale light.

To listen careful to the corncrake’s tuneless song,

To let the passions flow, unfettered with such beauties’ sight.

Wander I through not-soon-forgotten scenes,

O'er bridges with those storm filled noisy brooks beneath.

The airy leafy roof forms above my head, where the curlew screams.

Onward rush the stream of life towards that distant misty heath.

To bring beauty to the mind that no earthly thing can ere destroy,

Beware what earthly men call happiness lest it be harmed by basic man's desire,

The soul’s calm inner sunshine brought about by Nature’s painted joy.

Beware what men call happiness, beware all such except the simple joys that never can expire.

© R.G.Crosbie.
