Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

Are there links between your philosophy and religion?

Although The Way is not a religion, as we worship no gods, we do follow the original knowledge-based teachings of such historical individuals as Joshua Ben Miriam, more commonly known as Jesus the Christ, along with those of the five Christs who came before him. Jesus, like the other High Lords, known also as Signs, was a great spiritual teacher who further shepherded the advancement of what is known as the Great Purpose during his lifetime. Therefore, Jesus was the sixth of seven High Lords of the Veil who would come to show mankind The Way so that he might set aside the ending of his days, should he consciously and diligently follow the path of reason. In the teachings of The Way, he was known as the Sixth Sign, or simply ‘the Sixth’.

In the traditions of The Way the High Lords of the Veil were, Dan, progenitor of the Tribe of Dan, Odin, Marduk (also known as Enoch), Moses and Buddha, and all were Caulbearers, or Lords of the Veil. All added to the collective knowledge and prophecies of The Way so that man could better understand his place in the greater scheme of things, and therefore improve as a species. Within the membership of The Way, these individuals, along with the current High Caulbearer, are collectively referred to as the Seven Signs, as each one signed or indicated a marker or possible turning point in man’s journey towards his final destiny.

At the centre of the teachings of The Way are the collective teachings of these six individuals, along with the teachings and philosophy of a historical but mainly secret brotherhood known as the Brotherhood of Nazarenes, which also incorporates other brotherhoods, such as the Brotherhood of Light, also known as the Illuminati. The Way consists of several brotherhoods and organizations, of which the Order of The Way is just one.

As you may by now appreciate, our understanding of the lives of such individuals is quite different to what religions teach about them. They all followed and contributed to The Way in their times, and added to the already extant teachings so that the Path, or Way could be kept straight, as many had strayed from its reasoned directions in the times between their respective comings.

It has been obvious for thousands of years that mankind is bent on its own destruction as a species, so any understanding of the fundamental workings of the human condition, and the world which he inhabits, will always be of primary importance to us, as followers of this straight and narrow path. The Path is, therefore, alive, as it breathes life into minds that are receptive to its reasoning way.

Do we accept beliefs as part of our thinking?

In The Way we do not accept any form of unfounded opinion. Of course we understand that it is everyone’s right to express their opinions, but it does not automatically mean that we should accept them without question. To us everything must be proved or at least demonstrated as workable before we will accept it, as anything else is just theory and should be treated so, no matter how good it appears to be. Theory is a step on the road of inquiry, but, being unproven, it is not sufficiently reliable to base our lives upon. This is why we accept only provable truth, knowledge, logic and reason.

If you ask anyone if they are a reasoning person, they will most likely say “Yes.” If you then ask them what they know, they will usually tell you what they believe. In reality belief cannot exist in the presence of fact. Therefore if you are a believer,” especially in something that is beyond belief, then you cannot be a reasoning person; otherwise you would not accept belief as fact. You would only accept provable fact.

The Word and The Way

Collectively, the core principles or teachings of The Way are referred to as ‘the Word’, as they are ‘the thing’ to know about if you wish to understand the workings of life and its realities. Although the original meaning of the Word has been often been misunderstood, mainly by the later addition of religious ideas, you can still understand it in the saying “What’s the word on the street today?”, as in the sense of “What’s the big issue or thing that we need to know about?” Truth, knowledge, logic and reason are the four elements of The Way, and for that reason they are ‘the Word’, as they are paramount in the living of a life with any degree of purpose.