
Applying for membership

To find out more you can download the Way Information Guide 2018

The guide has been written to explain things in as simple a manner as possible, but let us know if you need anything clarified.

Our membership are serious-minded and helpful individuals who enjoy following and learning from the philosophical teachings of The Way. They are also aware that they must also learn from their own individual experiences, and be happy to share what they have learned so far, with other members, for mutual benefit.

We have no racial or national boundaries, as life experience and minds of good reason transcends such limited horizons. We do expect members to be clean and sober in their habits, but never condescending or self-righteous. We do understand that we live in societies where such social habits can be part of the way that people tend to act, but the aim is that we learn to recognise this, to overcome the more base tendencies that exist within all of us, and endeavour to undertake to improve ourselves as necessary. In The Way, nothing can be truly learned unless we actually realise the value of what we are learning about.

The Way is not a book of absolute answers to all questions at all times, as questions by their very nature are things that evolve as new situations arise. However, the cornerstones of the philosophy do provide a foundation for finding good and workable answers to reasoned and considered questions. We would consider that learning to ask the right questions is the first step to finding the right answers, and the only way we know to do this, is to follow The Way, which is a path of truth, knowledge, logic and reason.

If after reading the Way Information Guide you still have any questions, please either leave a comment below or email and your query will be dealt with as soon as possible. We will never contact you unless you request it, as the choice in making contact is always yours.

Please note our Contact and Posting Policy before making contact

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