Way thought for the day 21st December 2012 – Winter Solstice

Winter Solstice

Photo credit Teslaexteme


Examination of Spirit


You shall set aside the solstice to judge one another in spirit and in deed, and each man shall change his rank according to that which he has earned in effort and deed. This change shall take place in the dead of the year, and shall be decided at the fullness of light.

The Covenant



The Giving

“Therefore if thou bring thy gift to the Giving*, and there rememberest that thy brother hath ought against thee, leave there thy gift before the Council, and go thy way. First be reconciled to thy brother, and then come and offer thy gift onto him.”


Chapter: Light is Sprung Up

* In the tradition of The Way, the Giving is another name given to the occasion of the Solstice



On the shortest day and the longest day of the year he made these days a time for the giving of account. He made them understand such ceremony, which is a ceremony of disburdening the conscience; and he commanded them to make confession of their trespasses to the brother above them in degree of learning, so as to receive the absolution of the Order, so making wrongs right, and removing obstacles of disagreement from amongst the followers. A fault, if there be one, should be confessed by the brother who remembers it and desires to be cleansed and free of it. For a fault, when confessed, shall be light on him, as he shall receive assistance in the avoidance of such wrong again.

The Giving of Account

All extracts are from The Hallowed Book of Man