What man who wishes to embark on a venture does not firstly sit down and calculate his means, so that he is assured of finishing it?
Would someone who cannot read sit down to write a book? Such foolish ones exist, and it may be observed that the more stupid a man is, the more he is likely to believe himself to be of the highest intelligence. He labours under the illusion that what he knows is all there is to know, and is therefore blinded by his own baseless arrogance, and limited by his ego and narrow horizons.
I ask all you who follow The Way – know yourselves in honesty, and follow a purpose within your means, whatever your means may be. Knowledge is your greatest asset; lack of reason your biggest weakness.
No man or woman is without value, unless they reach beyond the length of their arms, grasping nothing, and so remaining in their poverty. Better that a lowly person remains in his easy station, than try to emulate the skills and abilities of those he admires. To try to be someone that he is not, is impossible. To endeavour such way, he makes himself into a fool, giving his stupidity much advertisement by his failures.
© 2011 – The Order of The Way