Highest Rates Ever Recorded of Multi-Drug-Resistant TB

On the heels of the news of totally drug-resistant (TDR) TB being identified in India ,” and disavowed, unfortunately, by the Indian government ,” the World Health Organization has released an update on the background situation of drug-resistant TB around the world.

The news is not good. Drug-resistant TB is at the highest rates ever recorded.

A quick vocabulary briefing. There is an array of drugs for TB: two very long-standing ones, and three newer ones, that are collectively called “first-line” drugs; and a category of less-effective second-choice drugs, collectively called “second-line.” (Nothing to do with New Orleans funerals.) The distinction is important because, while any TB treatment takes a very long time, second-line treatment takes much longer: 2 years, as opposed to 6 months or so for first-line drugs.


Full article link HERE

India Reports Completely Drug-Resistant TB – link to full article HERE


(Article extracts are for information purposes, and remain copyright of original authors)


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