The Force of Life – both above and below all things

The Force of Life is the energy that we can all see about us. It is also known as The All, as without it there would be nothing. It’s within you, your children, your dog, trees, and all plant life. It is, in fact, obvious in all living things.

Jesus said that all things return to their root; meaning that we all go back into the form from which we originated – that being energy. Every cell every thought developed and energised by the Force of Life.

The energy of life can be seen all about us. It’s in everything, from soil to grass, to tree, to beast, of which we are a species. When we die our bodies return to the soil or dust from whence we came. Most of what we eat grows from the soil.

We live in a circle of life. Hence the pentacle that we wear, which contains all that there is in our lives. Life cannot survive without death, as death provides sustenance for both new and existing life. We eat plants that come from the soil. They contain the Force of Life in them. The same applies to animals. They feed on plants from the soil, or from each other, and we live from them.

When the body dies, so does the brain, and in spite of people wishing to believe in some resurrection, imaginary gods, or supposed afterlife, there are none. As the brain dies it stops producing though patterns. However, the good news is that you live on in your children, by passing on your genetic information, so there is no need to live on. Paradise is rejuvenated through the force of that life that is within us all.

The Force of Life struggles to keep it all going, as mankind never ceases to mindlessly destroy it, including himself. He has developed the belief that his deities will always provide, regardless of man’s deliberate and continuous, wanton destruction. It cannot survive unless it has living things within which to live. Around and around it goes, from generation to generation, life regenerating life. Hope this helps you all to understand how life works in reality, not in fantasy.

Bob Crosbie

The Truth as we Think we Know it, or Don’t Know It


 Copyright 2016 The Order of The Way
Copyright 2016 The Order of The Way


Have you heard the saying, “The truth will set you free”? So what does a half-truth get you? What does misleading information get you? Would you recognise the truth, if it hit you in the face with a wet herring? Why is one man's truth different from another's? Well, just to explain, one man's truth is different from another's, because they believe different things; and hold different opinions, often based on nothing rational. They have different experiences and upbringing. So, taking this into consideration, where lies truth? Is there in fact, any such thing, as real truth?
Some say that God is truth. Some say that the Bible contains only truth, while another will quote the Koran as truth. They both say that these books contain nothing but the truth, yet they are not the same, with both containing many contradictions. But then again, there are many different versions of the Bible, and different sects read and interpret the Koran differently. Does this mean that truth depends on interpretation? And, if this is the case, then how can there be truth, if there is space for interpretation? If it relies on interpretation, then everyone who reads these books will come up with something different, and call it, and view it, as the truth. Confusing, isn't it?
Then what about this God that so many people have fought and died for? What of religions that have caused so much war, each claiming God on their side? How many wars have been fought on the behalf of one god or another, or even multiple gods? How much suffering has there been, because of this kind of thinking? How can such a being be on both sides at the same time? It’s one of the great mysteries, you might say.
Do you know for a fact, that an entity called God really exists, or how would you interpret all the evidence against such a possibility? No one has ever seen him, or heard him in reality; and even the Bible clearly states that no man has ever seen God. How many prayers are in fact answered; and how many are not? And, why not? What evidence do you know, or have, to prove beyond doubt that God exists?
I've asked many men of the cloth this questions, and they all point to the Bible, or the Koran, amongst other books. But that's not evidence; especially as there are so many versions to choose from; all claiming that therein is the truth.
Can we ask ourselves yet again, what truth? Real truth, or their truth, based on their personal and individual interpretation? Perhaps then, whatever you choose to believe, without any evidence of fact, is truth. Is that possible? So if the truth isn't true, so where does that leave us, the seekers of actual, provable truth? Where does that leave you in the so called great scheme of things? Your life, or at least your quality of life and peace of mind, depends on it.
Everything depends on what you know or what you think you know. Belief isn't truth, as it isn't fact. When you know something for sure, it is no longer a belief: but only that which you imagine and hope is true, is belief. I have added a few dictionary meanings of truth below.
Is it just possible that you’re being misled? And why would you think that? You will die. That's fact, not belief. If you do as your churchmen and state tell you to do, then you will go to paradise after you die. Is the latter true? It only depends on what you have been taught to believe. In reality it has to be nonsense; and you, in your deepest heart, know it; so what's your problem? Now, can you consider what causes most of your problems? Confusion, perchance? Stupidity? Insanity? Think about it.

The Writings of Didymus Judas Thomas (part II)



Photo Credit


Jesus said, “The man old in days will not hesitate to ask a small child seven days old about the place of life; and he will live because he seeks, and knows not shame in the seeking. For many who are first will become last, and they will become one and the same.
“And he shall be old in days at the ending of all man's days, and shall seek all men without shame; for that which he shall do shall be honourable, and even above the understanding of honour.”

The Hallowed Book of Man: The Writings of Didymus Judas Thomas


The Writings of Didymus Judas Thomas (part I)

Casa Battlo, Passeig de Gràcia, Barcelona: The Seven Veils.

These are the secret sayings which the living Jesus spoke and which Didymus Judas Thomas wrote down upon his command.

And he said: “Whoever finds the interpretation of these sayings, his blood will not experience death at the Ending of Days.”

Jesus said, “Let him who seeks continue seeking until he finds that which he seeks. When he finds, that which he seeks may be not that he expecteth to find, therefore he will become troubled. When he becomes troubled he may well wonder, and then will be astonished, and he will rule over all the kingdom of his own mind.

“And he that cometh after me shall seek you out, and shall also be astonished at that which he finds: and that which he finds not shall cause him to despair; and his number shall be ten.”

Then Jesus said, “If those who lead you say to you, ‘See, the kingdom is in the sky’, then the birds of the sky will precede you. If they say to you, ‘It is in the sea’, then the fish will precede you. Rather, the kingdom is inside of you and it is outside of you.

“When you come to know yourselves, then you will become known, and you will realise that it is you who are the sons of the living force of all that is. But if you will not know yourselves, you dwell in poverty, and it is you who are that poverty.

“He shall offer unto the blood of all men who know themselves, eternal life. And it shall not be as ether, nor shall it be believable: it shall be real, and may well escape men because of this.”

The Hallowed Book of Man: The Writings of Didymus Judas Thomas

The Straight Path of Wisdom




The Straight Path of Wisdom

And the Blessed One thus addressed the Brethren, “It is through not understanding the four noble truths, O brothers, that we had to wander so long in the weary path of samsara, both you and I. Through contact, thought is born from sensation, and is reborn by a reproduction of its form.

“Starting from the simplest forms, the mind rises and falls according to deeds, but the aspirations of a Bodhisatta pursue the straight path of wisdom and righteousness, until they reach perfect enlightenment in the Buddha.

“All creatures are what they are through the karma of their deeds. The rational nature of man is a spark of the true light; it is the first step on the upward road. But new births are required to ensure a continuation of our species. The enlightenment of mind and heart, where the immeasurable light of moral comprehension is gained, this is the source of all goodness.

“Having attained this higher levels of mind I have found the truth, and have taught you the noble Way that leads to peace. I have shown you the way to the lake of spiritual ambrosia, which washes away all evil. I have given you the refreshing drink called the perception of truth; and he who drinks of it becomes free from false excitement, misplaced passion, and wrongdoing.

“All unenlightened mankind envy the bliss of him who has escaped from the floods of passion and has climbed the shores of nirvana. His heart is cleansed from all defilement and free from all illusion. He is like unto the lotus; which grows in the water, yet not a drop of water adheres to its petals.

“The man who walks in the noble Way lives in the world, and yet his heart is not defiled by worldly desires. He who does not see the four noble truths, he who does not understand the three characteristics and has not grounded himself in the Uncreate, has still a long path to traverse, by repeated new beginnings, through the desert of ignorance, with its mirages of illusion, and through the morass of wrong.

“But now that you have gained comprehension, the cause of further migrations and aberrations is removed. The goal is reached: the craving of selfishness is destroyed, and the truth is attained. This is true deliverance; this is salvation; this is the bliss of a life.”

The Hallowed Book of Man: The Straight Path of Wisdom

A Solstice Thought – 21st December 2015

2015 © The Order of The Way


For thousands of years the shortest day of the year, and the longest day, meant a time for reflection, a time for giving. A time to look back as well as look forward.

The year is marked in four thirteen week segments. The solstices and the equinoxes.

We wish you harmony and prosperity in all things and all ways for the future.

Bob Crosbie



2015 © R. G. Crosbie

When a man dwells on the past, he robs himself of the present…

Past, present and future


When a man dwells on the past, he robs himself of the present; but if he ignores the past, he may well learn nothing, and so rob the future. Therefore, a balance must be created between that which is, that which was, and that which will be. To be considered in the light of good reason and according to the value of lessons learned, lessons ignored, and lessons still to be learned.

Bob Crosbie





Build your life by the way of The Way….

 From light to darkness, and darkness to light


Build your life by the way of The Way, and offer true salvation to all who pass by.

Build you not on the soft ground, but upon the solid rock that is The Way.

Build not on the foolishness of the stagnant pond of ignorance, but on the banks of the river of the pure knowledge.
Build you not near the pitfalls of life, but build you instead near the safe place.
Wherever you build, build you by the way of The Way; and all ways, like a bright beacon, will lead you home.

Offer to all who pass your way kindness; and should they view your kindness to have evil intent, then pass them by, for they know better the workings of the evil mind, and so do such judge. The evil thinker thinks evil, and knows not better.

Beware the ignorant, for it is his choice to ignore. Such is his way, which is not The Way, but born of a different and poor way. He shall be lost, flounder, and drown in the bog of his own stupidity. There will always be those who cannot have their eyes opened, and those who will not have their eyes opened: both are born blind with inner blindness. Few want to see, for blindness is a comfort to them; and they lack the courage to open their eyes and see the world about them.

2015 © Bob Crosbie