With a library of over 3,000 videos covering everything from arithmetic to physics, finance, and history and 317 practice exercises, we’re on a mission to help you learn what you want, when you want, at your own pace.
Samples include:
Algebra: Introduction to Algebra
Art History: – 400 C.E. Ancient Cultures
- Sculpture from the Parthenon’s East Pediment
- Head of Augustus
- Law Code Stele of King Hammurabi
- Victory Stele of Naram-Sin
- Colosseum
- Great Lyre from the “King’s Grave” at Ur
- Seated Scribe
- Arch of Titus
- After Praxiteles, Venus (Roman Copy)
Art History: 1500-1600 The Reformation
- Parmigianino’s Madonna of the Long Neck
- Raphael, Madonna of the Goldfinch
- Michelangelo’s PietÃ
- Dürer’s Four Apostles
- Raphael’s La belle jardinière
- Pontormo’s Entombment
- Leonardo, Adoration of the Magi
- Toward The High Renaissance
- Leonardo’s Virgin of the Rocks
- Leonardo da Vinci
- Parmigianino’s Self-Portrait
- Dürer’s Prints
Banking and Money
Videos on how banks work and how money is created.
- Banking 1
- Banking 2: A bank’s income statement
- Banking 3: Fractional Reserve Banking
- Banking 4: Multiplier effect and the money supply
- Banking 5: Introduction to Bank Notes
- Banking 6: Bank Notes and Checks
- Banking 7: Giving out loans without giving out gold
- Banking 8: Reserve Ratios
- Banking 9: More on Reserve Ratios (Bad sound)
- Banking 10: Introduction to leverage (bad sound)
- Banking 11: A reserve bank
- Banking 12: Treasuries (government debt)
- Banking 13: Open Market Operations
- Banking 14: Fed Funds Rate
- Banking 15: More on the Fed Funds Rate
- Banking 16: Why target rates vs. money supply
- Banking 17: What happened to the gold?
- Banking 18: Big Picture Discussion
- The Discount Rate
- Repurchase Agreements (Repo transactions)
- Federal Reserve Balance Sheet
- Fractional Reserve Banking Commentary 1
- FRB Commentary 2: Deposit Insurance
- FRB Commentary 3: Big Picture
Covers topics seen in a first year college or high school biology course.
- Introduction to Evolution and Natural Selection
- Ape Clarification
- Intelligent Design and Evolution
- Evolution Clarification
- Natural Selection and the Owl Butterfly
- Variation in a Species
- Chromosomes, Chromatids, Chromatin, etc.
- Mitosis, Meiosis and Sexual Reproduction
- Phases of Mitosis
- Phases of Meiosis
- Embryonic Stem Cells
- Cancer
- Introduction to Heredity
- Punnett Square Fun
- Hardy-Weinberg Principle
- Sex-Linked Traits
- Bacteria
- Viruses
- ATP: Adenosine Triphosphate
- Introduction to Cellular Respiration
Brain Teasers
Random logic puzzles and brain teasers. Fun to do and useful for many job interviews!
And many more…..