Watching – The Pilgrims Society



We should be aware that our financial systems are not what they may appear to be, as though we could doubt such a thing in the current ongoing financial collapse. Banking is about making profit from lending money; by charging interest (usury, interest paid for the use of money) and administration fees, which is against the principles of The Way and natural justice, as these parasites do not sow, yet they reap from the labours of others for their own sole benefit.

One of the most influential groups or cabals behind modern banking is the Pilgrim Society, a clique of banking and monarchial families who work together to manipulate the banking and media sectors to promote their own agendas.


Most people have at least vaguely heard of the “Eastern Establishment”. This is a reference to a group of people in the Northeast of the United States which to many appears to wield a disproportionate amount of influence over the nation’s politics. This influence, which goes back even further than the days of John D. Rockefeller, Sr. and J. P. Morgan, Sr. has been illustrated by the fact that a great number of individuals working in the senior positions of government have come from a number of New York-based banks, insurance companies and law firms, only to return to this group of banks and businesses after their public term came to an end. Often these individuals served in more than one administration, and together with a number of other peculiarities – think of controversial policies, suspected cover ups, ignored conflicts of interest, lack of media attention, etc. – some people have become suspicious of what at times appears to be almost like a permanent government. A 1962 newspaper column voiced these suspicions best:

“There is an establishment in the United States. The word “establishment” is a general term for the power elite in international finance, business, the professions largely from the Northeast, who wield most of the power regardless of who is in the White House.

“Most people are unaware of the existence of this “legitimate Mafia.” Yet the power of the establishment makes itself felt from the professor who seeks a foundation grant, to the candidate for a cabinet post or State Department job. It affects the nation’s policies in almost every area.

“For example, the Council on Foreign Relations in New York City, subsidized by Rockefeller interests since 1927 boasts a membership of at least 90 per cent establishment figures.”

The above extract is taken from

Also noteworthy is the Members List and if you do a word search for ‘Rothschild’, ‘Kennedy‘ and ‘Windsor’, amongst many others, the picture becomes even more clear.

The Rotschilds are to be noted in their more recent movements in the mop-up operations that are now beginning in the wrecked economy of Ireland, where no known Irish news article to date appears to mention that the Irish government had engaged this family to advise them on matters of ‘restructuring’ the economy – read ‘liquidate’.

DUBLIN/LONDON, Nov 25 2010 (Reuters) – Bankers from a host of top firms have descended on Dublin as the Irish government seeks advice on how it should fix its banking crisis by restructuring, recapitalisating and filling its funding gap.

Investment bank Rothschild [ROT.UL] is the main advisor for the Irish government, after replacing Bank of America Merrill Lynch in that role last year.

Merrill, Barclays (BARC.L), JPMorgan (JPM.N), UBS (UBSN.VX) (UBS.N), Goldman Sachs (GS.N) and others are also involved in advising the government or lenders, bankers said.

The Irish government and the banks all declined to comment or did not return calls for comment.

Article link

The Reuters article indicates that the Rothschilds were engaged in 2009, but attention was only drawn to this fact on the 25th November 2010, only days before the Irish government capitulated and admitted that they would go to the IMF for a bailout LINK To the best of our knowledge, this engagement has not been reported in any Irish newspapers Search LINK Search LINK

Another interesting recent article on the Rothschilds and their involvement in global finances, and in this case the US Federal Reserve, can be found here LINK

These articles may appear to mean little or nothing to most, but this is exactly why so much manipulation goes on unnoticed until the flying fecal matter hits the rotating air circulation device. Just be aware that this does matter, even if you don’t know that it does.



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